This is the last project of Time Motion & Communication course. Dan Boyarski, who is instructor of this course, encouraged us to explore unknown area with a theme, 24 hours. He also emphasized don’t play it safe but our 2 mins video still has to communicate.

This project is individual project within 4 weeks time span. During the project time-frame, we have met regularly to give and take feedback in terms of not only idea development but also effective way of representation.

When I consider what I wanted to focus, I was inspired by Chris Jordan’s work, especially ‘Skull with cigarette’ work. I decided to create more inspiring motion version that make people realize how many packs of cigarettes are being smoked in a day by using processing and after effects.

Visualizing Time: 24 hours

Date:Dec, 11, 2013 / 1 week
Individual Project
Skill Used: After Effects, Processing, Music Composition

See Process Book

Final Video

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