Hello, I'm Gilbert. I am a product designer who'd like to solve problems by design.

I am currently with Google Assistant team and designing future of AI technology.

Wanna see my work? Let's go

Google Assistant Family Note

Designed new Family Note in Google Assistant to keep your family organized

Press release: The verge | 9to5 Google | USA Today | Engadget | And other

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Google News projects

Led in design to improve core experience and create foundation for Special Experience in Google News app (Android, iOS and Web).

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Microsoft Office web app launcher

Created App Launcher experience in Microsoft Web that is used by 100 million users daily

Microsoft Office Researcher

Designed an experience for Microsoft Word to help students to discover and collect core subject matter knowledge much more efficiently than with traditional search tools.

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Product designer, with Google Assistant team in Silicon Valley

I am designing how might AI technology can help people have a better life quality with Google Assistant. We are much closer to the future than you think.

I believe the statement that “Products are vivid argument about
how we should live our lives”. I am deeply motivated to create systems where design can make an impact to our mundane lives.

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